
Discovering Discovery Bay by erwin lian

My first month in Hong Kong:

Adjusting to life here has proven to be quite an interesting experience so far. Restarting in a new place is always challenging, and I'm allowing myself the time needed to build the necessary momentum and rhythm.

Without proper gears and equipment, I'm making the most of what I have. Yesterday, I explored Discovery Bay with an old college classmate, a place that doesn't quite feel like Hong Kong and offers some unique quirks.

I sneaked into the Marina Club but was kicked out after they discovered me. Didn't complete my painting and I have to walk around to find another spot. This spot really wasn't ideal and it was on a slope but I decided to give it a go.

I had a curious incident at the Marina Club, where I attempted to sneak in for a painting session but was promptly kicked out upon discovery. Undeterred, I didn't complete my painting and had to search for another spot. Despite the less-than-ideal conditions—no easel, no chair, plenty of mosquitoes, and a scorching sun—I decided to give it a go on a slope.

No easel. no chair, plenty of mosquitoes and a scorching sun were some of the annoying issues I dealt with for this first plein-air.
Ta-dar ! I did it. Not exactly my best work but hey I stayed committed till the end. 

Ta-dar! The result may not be my best work, but I stayed committed till the end.

Personal cars aren't allowed in Discovery Bay and people have to buy these over-priced golf bungees that costs a few million dollars if they want a  vehicle. 

In Discovery Bay, personal cars are not allowed, and people have to invest in overpriced golf buggies, costing a few million dollars if they want a vehicle. Despite the expense, the area is less crowded, offering a unique escape from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong. 

Way less crowded in Discovery Bay and it felt like I been transported out of Hong Kong. 

Way less crowded in Discovery Bay and it felt like I been transported out of Hong Kong. 

I walked all over and couldn't find a good spot with shade to paint or sketch. Eventually, I just sat down and drew some people around me.

During my exploration, I couldn't find a good shaded spot for painting or sketching, so I settled for sitting down and drawing the people around me.

couples and their poses

couples and their poses

Thankful to have great friends from College in Hong Kong. Hung out with Queenie and her family 

Thankful to have great friends from College in Hong Kong. Hung out with Queenie and her family 

Sophie posed for me and I did a fast sketch of her. 

Sophie posed for me and I did a fast sketch of her. 

So far, my life in Hong Kong has been good. Contrary to warnings about judgmental cultures, the locals have been friendlier than I anticipated. While I can't control others' perceptions, I choose to focus on bringing my jovial best to my time here.